
the transformative power of live theater

2004 Season

Poems in My Pocket

Written by: William Shakespeare, Esna St. Vincent Millay, Charles Bukowski, Dorothy Parker, Walt Whitman, and many more.
Directed by: Jeanie Hackett

June 4, 2004 10:30 pm

June 5, 2004 10:30 pm

New Place Studio Theatre

Reading Generously Sponsored in part by:

Norman’s, Sona Restaurant, and Banfi

Poems in My Pocket enjoyed a highly successful 3 years run in Los Angeles under the title Rants, Rhymes, and Lies at the Irish Arts Center, beginning in 1996. The show is completely improvisatory and changes every night. Different actors appear in each shoe, and each actor has memorized perhaps 15 to 20 poems (sometimes more!) and, within a thematic progression, they gather onstage to “converse” with each other in poetic language. The order of the poems is never set in advance, so no two shoes are ever the same—actors both rotate and bring in new poems all the time. The actors choose the poems themselves so our poetry cabaret becomes a glorious way for the actor to define and express himself or herself in verse.

Rhonda Aldrich
James Andrews
Jeannie Hackett
Matthew Henerson
Laura Levy
Sarah Peters
Rendon Ramsey
Katy Tyszkiewicz

*member, Actor’s Equity Association, the union of professional Actors and Stage Managers in the U.S. This production is presented under the auspices of the Actors’ Equity Los Angeles Membership Company Rule

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